Channel: Fail Force One
Category: Entertainment
Tags: youtubethrilling videogone wronghumpback whaleepic winlucksavefail force channelcreavasevideonear missepic failnear deathskiparaglidingwhalehelicopterbyclose callintense videogo progoprocamerakayakfailforceonenear death on goprofailsextremerescuenear death videosfail force onefilmedfailnear death compilationcompilationcapsizesnear death videoavalanchehdsportsnowmobilenear death experiencesnear death experience
Description: Near death experience videos and close calls captured by gopro and camera compilation. All people survive. Don't forget to drop a like and subscribe. You could support our channel via Paypal All stunts are performed by professionals, don't try this at home, kids. I'm on facebook Snowmobile video by Andrew Olson